West Coast Divers Mallorca - Tauchen auf Mallorca
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Westcoast Diver Mallorca - Tauchen auf Mallorca

Hotel Bonanza Playa & Spa
Paseo de Illetas s/n
07181 Illetas
Mallorca España


+34 / 971185969

WhatsApp +34 664592946

Mobil: +34 / 664592946       
Marc: +34 / 696789037       


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Turn your hobby into a profession

PADI Divemaster Brevet       Durationr: 6 - 12 Tage

The PADI Divemaster Course in Mallorca

The beginning of your career as a professional diver is the PADI Divemaster Program. In close collaboration with a PADI Instructor, this program expands your diving knowledge and refines your skills to a professional level. During the PADI Divemaster training, your leadership qualities are developed, and you learn how to supervise diving activities and assist diving instructors in working with students.

During the PADI Divemaster Program, you will acquire leadership skills both through theory lessons and self-study. You will complete water skills and endurance exercises, as well as training tasks that enhance your organizational talent and problem-solving abilities. You will then apply this expertise in an internship or a series of practical training tasks.



The theoretical part of the PADI Divemaster course is completed digitally through self-study. It is recommended to finish the PADI eLearning in advance. By booking the dive course early and making a deposit of €375, you will receive exclusive online access to the PADI eLearning portal for your personal learning experience. Learn online or offline, using a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

>> login

Divemaster Course
 course price : 995,- €  
early bird price : 895,- €  

price / deposit: 375,- 

When booking the course before July 1st of the current year, we offer an early booking discount, provided that the early booking price is fully paid no later than 4 weeks before the course start date.
If payment is made by January 31, 2025, our Christmas discount still applies.



zum Seitenanfang

To enroll in the PADI Divemaster course, an individual must:

  1. Be certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or hold an equivalent certification from another dive training organization.
  2. Be certified as a PADI Rescue Diver or hold an equivalent certification in dive rescue from another dive training organization.
  3. Provide proof of training in EFR (Emergency First Response) Primary and Secondary Care (or equivalent training), with certification no older than 24 months.
  4. Log at least 40 dives in their personal logbook by the start of the course.
  5. Be at least 18 years old by the start of the course.
  6. Provide a medical certificate signed by a doctor, confirming that the candidate is fit for scuba diving. The certificate must be no older than 12 months.


zum Seitenanfang

12 Topics Covered in the Divemaster Course

  1. Course Orientation
  2. The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster
  3. Assisting in Diver Training
  4. Introduction to Dive Theory
  5. Dive Physics
  6. Dive Physiology
  7. Scuba Equipment
  8. Decompression Theory and the RDP (Recreational Dive Planner)
  9. Programs That Can Be Independently Conducted by the Divemaster
  10. Risk Management
  11. Diving as a Business
  12. Your Diving Career


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5 Endurance Exercises Required

  • Exercise 1: 400 meters swimming
  • Exercise 2: 15 minutes treading water
  • Exercise 3: 800 meters snorkeling
  • Exercise 4: 100 meters towing an unresponsive diver
  • Exercise 5: Equipment Exchange
    Solve unpredictable underwater problems by exchanging all dive equipment
    with your dive partner while sharing air.


Rescue Scills
zum Seitenanfang

Assessment and Development of Skills for Rescuing a Diver

  • At a signal, the rescuer enters the water, locates the victim, and brings them to the surface. The rescuer checks the breathing, initiates ventilation, and tows or pushes the victim while removing their own weight system, the victim's weight system, both masks, and both dive equipment. The rescuer then brings the victim out of the water.


Diving Scills
zum Seitenanfang

Assessment and Development of Pool Skills

The following 24 diving skills are required to be demonstrated in excellent quality:

  1. Assembling, adjusting, preparing, donning and doffing, and disassembling the equipment
  2. Safety check before the diveEntering deep water
  3. Buoyancy control at the surface – achieving neutral buoyancy
  4. Alternate Air Source Exchange – Snorkel to Regulator and Regulator to Snorkel
  5. 5-Point Descent
  6. Regaining and clearing the regulator
  7. Removing, replacing, and clearing the mask underwater
  8. "Out of Air" exercise and breathing from an alternate air source
    (stationary / 30sec.)
  9. Ascent while breathing from an alternate air source
  10. Breathing from an exhaled regulator
  11. Neutral buoyancy (“pivoting” – using inflator and mouth)
  12. Correct 5-Point Ascent
  13. Controlled, floating emergency ascent
  14. Hovering motionless underwater (30 sec.)
  15. Swimming underwater without a mask
  16. Removing and replacing the weight system underwater
  17. Removing and replacing the diving gear underwater
  18. Removing and replacing the diving gear at the surface
  19. Removing and replacing the weight system at the surface
  20. Snorkeling – diving vertically headfirst
  21. Snorkeling – swimming at least 15 meters / 50 feet underwater with a single
  22. breath
  23. Snorkeling – clearing the snorkel by exhaling
  24. Snorkeling – clearing the snorkel by displacement method


Mandatory Training Exercise
zum Seitenanfang

Skill 1: Dive Site Setup and Organization

The candidates must:

  • Set up a dive site and organize the preparation for the dive.
  • Prepare emergency equipment, such as the First Aid Kit and oxygen unit.
  • Organize the use of a buoy/dive flag and descent line.


Skill 2: Creating an Underwater Map

The candidates must:

  • Together with their dive partner, carefully examine a dive site or part of a dive site as specified by the instructor, including features both underwater and above water, with enough detail and accuracy to create a map of the site.
  • Create a map of the dive site that includes the following (where applicable to the site): depth contours, interesting points, recommended entry and exit points, local facilities, and potential hazards.


Skill 3: Briefing

The candidates must:

  • Conduct a dive site briefing for a known site that covers all 10 points listed on the Divemaster board:

      1. Dive site name
      2. Site description
      3. Your role and how divers can recognize you underwater
      4. Entry and exit techniques
      5. Dive procedures
      6. Emergency procedures
      7. Review of signals for the dive
      8. Roster and buddy check
      9. Environmental briefing
    10. Safety check before the dive


Skillt 4: Search and Recovery – Scenario

The candidates must:

  • Find a sunken object and apply a methodical search technique.
  • Demonstrate underwater knot-tying (bowline, two half hitches, sheet bend).
  • Lift objects using a lift bag .


Scill 5: Deep Dive – Scenario

The candidates must:

  • Prepare the emergency ventilation equipment before the dive and place it at
    the safety stop.
  • Navigate using a compass for at least 20 fin strokes away from a point and back.
  • Use a dive computer to control an ascent rate of no more than 18 meters per minute.
  • Perform a 3-minute safety stop without holding on to a reference line.

Programs Conducted by the Divemaster - Workshops
zum Seitenanfang

Programs Conducted by the Divemaster - Workshops

The candidates must conduct the following workshops:

  • Workshop 1: The ReActivate Program
  • Workshop 2: Supervision in the Skin Diver course and snorkeling
  • Workshop 3: Discover Scuba Diving Program in Confined Water
  • Workshop 4: DSD Program – Additional Open Water Dive
  • Workshop 5: Discover Local Diving in Open Wate

Including a complete briefing, effective and safe supervision in the water, and an effective debriefing.


Training Program
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Training Simulation 1: Open Water Diver Students in the Pool

The candidates must:

  • Organize the equipment preparation for PADI Open Water Diver course students for pool training (pool or confined water) and open water training.
  • Coordinate the smooth running of the students (in the water) during pool training.
  • Supervise the Open Water Diver students during pool dives whom the instructor is not directly attending to.
  • Assist a PADI Open Water Diver course student in the pool (or confined water) who is having difficulty mastering a dive skill.
  • Respond appropriately to diver problems or prevent them.



Training Simulation 2: Open Water Diver Students in Open Water

The candidates must:

  • Assess the environmental conditions of a dive site and suggest to the instructor the suitability of the site for beginner-level dive students.
  • Organize the equipment preparation for PADI Open Water Diver course students for open water training.
  • Assist in preparing a dive site for a training dive.
  • Coordinate the smooth running of the students (in the water) during open water training.
  • Supervise the Open Water Diver students during open water dives whom the instructor is not directly attending to.
  • Respond appropriately to diver problems or prevent them.
  • Accompany dive students on an underwater tour.


Training Simulation 3: Continuing Education Students in Open Water

The candidates must:

  • Coordinate the smooth running of the students (in the water) during open water training.
  • Accompany participants of a continuing education course under the indirect supervision of an instructor and report to the instructor about the students' observed performance and learning difficulties.
  • Assist a participant of a continuing education course who is having difficulty mastering a dive skill.
  • Respond appropriately to diver problems or prevent them.


zum Seitenanfang


The theoretical part of the PADI Divemaster course is completed digitally through self-study. It is recommended to finish the PADI eLearning in advance. By booking the dive course early and making a deposit of €375, you will receive exclusive online access to the PADI eLearning portal for your personal learning experience. Learn online or offline, using a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

>> login

Divemaster Course
 course price : 995,- €  
early bird price : 895,- €  

price / deposit: 375,- 

When booking the course before July 1st of the current year, we offer an early booking discount, provided that the early booking price is fully paid no later than 4 weeks before the course start date.
If payment is made by January 31, 2025, our Christmas discount still applies.


 Course Materials
zum Seitenanfang

Divemaster eLearning

  • DM eLearning with Skill Demonstration videos 
  • ReActivate
  • eRDPml
  • The Encyclopaedia of Recreational Diving
  • Digital Instructor Manual

Divemaster Crewpak

  • DSD Slates
  • DM Slate

Divemaster Course
620,- €
Divemaster Crewpak
Cue Cards + Theory online - PADI eLearning
375,- €
995,- €

Extras to the Divemaster Course :

Discover Scuba Diving Internship
120,- €

After successful completion of a Discover Scuba Diving internship, which includes conducting four such programs under the guidance of a PADI Instructor, one becomes a DSD Leader. PADI Divemasters with the DSD Leader Specialty, in active status and with valid liability insurance, are allowed to conduct Discover Scuba Diving programs
in a pool or confined water.


Reservation zum Seitenanfang

>> Terms & Conditions
>> Privacy / Law / Cookies

Important: When planning, please note that you should not fly for 24 hours after your last dive

After submitting the form or email, you will receive a confirmation with your reservation.
You can confirm your booking by making a 10% deposit of the regular price or by ordering the PADI eLearning.

The reservation is non-binding, and there are no costs involved.




Reservation and Information: info@divinginmallorca.com
Telephone-WhatsApp: +34 664592946

nach oben

PADI - Scuba Diving Courses

Get your PADI scuba certification. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to scuba dive, discover new adventures or simply see the wondrous world beneath the waves, this is where it starts.


The Padi Divemaster Digital Crewpac

Everything you need to prepare for the Divemaster Course.
>> more


Whether you want to learn how to dive or continue your diving education as a certified scuba diver, PADI's digital learning programs are the right way to go. Work at your own pace, online or offline, on your computer or mobile device.
>> login

Have a look on our scuba diving time table and reserve your space right now
>> more



© 2025/02/04 by West Coast Divers Mallorca